Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud Trade Promotion Management Certification Exam Syllabus

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It is recommended for all the candidates to refer the Consumer Goods Cloud Trade Promotion Management objectives and sample questions provided in this preparation guide. The Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud Trade Promotion Management certification is mainly targeted to the candidates who want to build their career in Salesforce Accredited Professional domain and demonstrate their expertise. We suggest you to use practice exam listed in this cert guide to get used to with exam environment and identify the knowledge areas where you need more work prior to taking the actual Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud Trade Promotion Management Accredited Professional exam.

Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud Trade Promotion Management Exam Summary:

Exam Name
Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud Trade Promotion Management Accredited Professional
Exam Code Consumer Goods Cloud Trade Promotion Management
Exam Price Registration fee: USD 150
Retake fee: USD 150
Duration 75 minutes
Number of Questions 62
Passing Score 66%
Recommended Training / Books Consumer Goods Cloud TPM Learning Content
Schedule Exam Kryterion Webassessor
Sample Questions Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud Trade Promotion Management Sample Questions
Recommended Practice Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud Trade Promotion Management Accredited Professional Practice Test

Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud Trade Promotion Management Syllabus:

Section Objectives Weight
Discovery - Given use cases of a customer, rationalize the use of Consumer Goods Cloud and TPM for their environment.
- Given high-level business requirements, use the TPM lifecycle to conduct discovery interviews.
- Given the wider enterprise landscape, understand the main functional capabilities of each component and map to either TPM or third-party systems.
- Given the specific customer requirements, understand the business processes to document the customer journey.
- Given the need to balance usability, performance, and scalability, identify the volumetric info to ensure non-func' requirements are captured
- Given that each step in the business process involves different data and functionality, gather information to identify functional requirements.
- Given the customer technology landscape and environment, leverage product and platform best practices to gather technical requirements.
Design - Given business requirements and integration information, use best practices for architecture design to plan the master data design for the project.
- Given the customer's strategic planning process and areas of focus, design the optimum KPI structure using standard KPI capabilities.
- Given the customer's approach to funds management, use standard capabilities to design the funds management solution.
- Given the customer's planning metrics using the account and product hierarchy, set up the account planning solution.
- Given the customer's Go-To-Market approach, use the promotion standard functionality to define the promotion planning structures.
- Given the customer's understanding of promotion execution, use KPIs, Claims, and Account P&L capabilities to design the solution.
- Given the customer's monitoring and analysis requirements, determine the appropriate report to design.
- Given a draft of the solution design, validate and confirm the design priorities with the key stakeholders to ensure accuracy.
- Given specific business planning processes, determine how to set up customer business plans.
- Given the customer's strategic objectives, define promotion tactics using the TPM building blocks.
Implement - Given the need for a Consumer Goods TPM solution, rationalize the licensing needs to install the CGG package with pre/post installation steps.
- Given the project lifecycle requirements of the CGG solution, establish a deployment strategy that accounts for sequential migration steps.
- Given the approved solution design, configure the TPM settings to account for foundational Consumer Goods Cloud environment setup.
- Given the approved solution design, configure the promotion templates.
- Given the approved solution design, configure the TPM templates.
- Given the approved master data design, configure the data model to prepare for master data setup.
- Given the approved solution design, configure the various TPM modules.
- Given the approved solution design, configure the various KPIs.
- Given the approved solution design, configure the process workflows to cater to business processes and automation requirements.
- Given the approved data migration design, populate Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud data.
- Given the approved data migration design, populate the Consumer Goods Cloud processing service data.
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