Snowflake SnowPro Advanced - Data Engineer Certification Exam Syllabus

DEA-C02 Dumps Questions, DEA-C02 PDF, SnowPro Advanced - Data Engineer Exam Questions PDF, Snowflake DEA-C02 Dumps Free, SnowPro Advanced - Data Engineer Official Cert Guide PDF, Snowflake SnowPro Advanced - Data Engineer Dumps, Snowflake SnowPro Advanced - Data Engineer PDFThe Snowflake DEA-C02 exam preparation guide is designed to provide candidates with necessary information about the SnowPro Advanced - Data Engineer exam. It includes exam summary, sample questions, practice test, objectives and ways to interpret the exam objectives to enable candidates to assess the types of questions-answers that may be asked during the Snowflake Certified SnowPro Advanced - Data Engineer Certification exam.

It is recommended for all the candidates to refer the DEA-C02 objectives and sample questions provided in this preparation guide. The Snowflake SnowPro Advanced - Data Engineer certification is mainly targeted to the candidates who want to build their career in Advance domain and demonstrate their expertise. We suggest you to use practice exam listed in this cert guide to get used to with exam environment and identify the knowledge areas where you need more work prior to taking the actual Snowflake SnowPro Advanced - Data Engineer exam.

Snowflake DEA-C02 Exam Summary:

Exam Name
Snowflake SnowPro Advanced - Data Engineer
Exam Code DEA-C02
Exam Price $375 USD
Duration 115 minutes
Number of Questions 65
Passing Score 750 + Scaled Scoring from 0 - 1000%
Recommended Training / Books Snowflake Data Engineering Training
SnowPro Advanced: Data Engineer Study Guide
Schedule Exam PEARSON VUE
Sample Questions Snowflake DEA-C02 Sample Questions
Recommended Practice Snowflake Certified SnowPro Advanced - Data Engineer Certification Practice Test

Snowflake SnowPro Advanced - Data Engineer Syllabus:

Section Objectives Weight
Data Movement - Given a data set, load data into Snowflake.
  • Outline considerations for data loading
  • Define data loading features and potential impact

- Ingest data of various formats through the mechanics of Snowflake.

  • Required file formats
  • Ingestion of structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data
  • Implementation of stages and file formats

- Troubleshoot data ingestion.

  • Identify causes of ingestion errors
  • Determine resolutions for ingestion errors 

- Design, build, and troubleshoot continuous data pipelines.

  • Stages
  • Tasks
  • Streams
  • Snowpipe (for example, Auto ingest as compared to Rest API)
  • Snowpipe Streaming

- Analyze and differentiate types of data pipelines.

  • Create User-Defined Functions (UDFs)
  • Design and use the Snowflake SQL API
  • Create data pipelines in Snowpark

- Install, configure, and use connectors to connect to Snowflake.

  • Kafka connectors
  • Spark connectors
  • Python connectors

- Design and build data sharing solutions.

  • Implement a data share
  • Create and manage views
  • Implement row-level filtering
  • Share data using the Snowflake Marketplace
  • Share data using a listing

- Outline when to use External Tables and define how they work.

  • Manage external tables
  • Manage Iceberg tables
  • Perform general table management
  • Manage schema evolution
  • Unload data
Performance Optimization - Troubleshoot underperforming queries.
  • Identify underperforming queries
  • Outline telemetry around the operation
  • Increase efficiency
  • Identify the root cause

- Given a scenario, configure a solution for the best performance.

  • Scale out compared to scale up
  • Virtual warehouse properties (for example, size, multi-cluster)
  • Query complexity
  • Micro-partitions and the impact of clustering
  • Materialized views
  • Search optimization service
  • Query acceleration service
  • Snowpark-optimized warehouses
  • Caching features

- Monitor continuous data pipelines.

  • Snowflake objects
    1. Tasks
    2. Streams
    3. Snowpipe Streaming
    4. Alerts
  • Notifications
  • Data Quality and data metric function monitoring
Storage and Data Protection - Implement and manage data recovery features in Snowflake.
  • Time Travel
    1. Impact of streams
  • Fail-safe
  • Cross-region and cross-cloud replication

- Use System Functions to analyze Micro-partitions.

  • Clustering depth
  • Cluster keys

- Use Time Travel and Cloning to create new development environments.

  • Clone objects
  • Validate changes before promoting
  • Rollback changes
Data Governance - Monitor data.
  • Apply object tagging and classifications
  • Use data classification to monitor data
  • Manage data lineage and object dependencies
  • Monitor data quality

- Establish and maintain data protection.

  • Implement column-level security
    1. Use in conjunction with Dynamic Data Masking
    2. Use in conjunction with external tokenization
    3. Use projection policies
  • Use data masking with Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) to secure sensitive data
  • Explain the options available to support row-level security using Snowflake row access policies
    1. Use aggregation policies
  • Use DDL to manage Dynamic Data Masking and row access policies
  • Use best practices to create and apply data masking policies
  • Use Snowflake Data Clean Rooms to share data
    1. Use the web-app
  • Use the Snowflake developer API
Data Transformation - Define User-Defined Functions (UDFs) and outline how to use them.
  • Snowpark UDFs (for example, Java, Python, Scala)
  • Secure UDFs
  • SQL UDFs
  • JavaScript UDFs
  • User-Defined Table Functions (UDTFs)
  • User-Defined Aggregate Functions (UDAFs)

- Define and create External Functions.

  • Secure external functions
  • Work with external functions

- Design, build, and leverage Stored Procedures.

  • Snowpark stored procedures (for example, Java, Python, Scala)

- Handle and transform semi-structured data.

  • SQL Scripting stored procedures
  • JavaScript stored procedures
  • Transaction management
  • Traverse and transform semi-structured data to structured data
  • Transform structured data to semi-structured data

- Handle and process unstructured data.

  • Use unstructured data
    1. URL types
  • Use directory tables
  • Use the Rest API

- Use Snowpark for data transformation.

  • Understand Snowpark architecture
  • Query and filter data using the Snowpark library
  • Perform data transformations using Snowpark (for example, aggregations)
  • Manipulate Snowpark DataFrames
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