Snowflake SnowPro Advanced - Administrator Certification Exam Syllabus

ADA-C01 Dumps Questions, ADA-C01 PDF, SnowPro Advanced - Administrator Exam Questions PDF, Snowflake ADA-C01 Dumps Free, SnowPro Advanced - Administrator Official Cert Guide PDFThe Snowflake ADA-C01 exam preparation guide is designed to provide candidates with necessary information about the SnowPro Advanced - Administrator exam. It includes exam summary, sample questions, practice test, objectives and ways to interpret the exam objectives to enable candidates to assess the types of questions-answers that may be asked during the Snowflake Certified SnowPro Advanced - Administrator exam.

It is recommended for all the candidates to refer the ADA-C01 objectives and sample questions provided in this preparation guide. The Snowflake SnowPro Advanced - Administrator certification is mainly targeted to the candidates who want to build their career in Advance domain and demonstrate their expertise. We suggest you to use practice exam listed in this cert guide to get used to with exam environment and identify the knowledge areas where you need more work prior to taking the actual Snowflake SnowPro Advanced - Administrator exam.

Snowflake ADA-C01 Exam Summary:

Exam Name
Snowflake SnowPro Advanced - Administrator
Exam Code ADA-C01
Exam Price $375 USD
Duration 115 minutes
Number of Questions 65
Passing Score 750 + Scaled Scoring from 0 - 1000
Recommended Training / Books Administering Snowflake Training
SnowPro Advanced: Administrator Exam Study Guide
SnowPro Practice Exam: Administrator
Schedule Exam PEARSON VUE
Sample Questions Snowflake ADA-C01 Sample Questions
Recommended Practice Snowflake Certified SnowPro Advanced - Administrator Practice Test

Snowflake SnowPro Advanced - Administrator Syllabus:

Section Objectives

Snowflake Security, Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), and User Administration : 30-35%

Set up and manage Snowflake authentication. - Establish federated authentication and Single Sign-on (SSO)
  • Implement federated authentication/SSO as it relates to Snowflake
  • Configure an Identity Provider (IdP) for Snowflake
  • Configure, use, and manage federated authentication with Snowflake

- Implement Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

  • Enroll a Snowflake user in MFA
  • Use MFA with different Snowflake drivers and connectors (such as, Web UI, SnowSQL, JDBC, ODBC, etc.)
  • Monitor users who do not have MFA enabled
  • ​Reset passwords and temporarily disable or permanently remove MFA from a user
- Utilize key pair authentication and perform key pair rotation
  • Create, set up, and configure a Snowflake user for key pair authentication
  • Configure key pair rotation

- Configure and use OAuth protocol options

  • Use OAuth 2.0 in Snowflake
  • Compare Snowflake OAuth to External OAuth
  • Configure Snowflake OAuth for custom clients
  • Configure OAuth for technology providers (such as, Tableau, Looker, Microsoft Power BI, OKTA, Azure AD, etc.)
  • Outline how Snowflake OAuth is impacted by federated authentication, network policies and private connectivity
- Manage passwords and password policies
Set up and manage network and private connectivity. - Establish network policies
  • Configure and manage network policies
  • Describe network policy behavior when both account-level and user-level network policies exist

- Establish private connectivity to Snowflake internal stages

  • Implement and manage cloud provider interfaces and private endpoints for internal stages

- Establish private connectivity to the Snowflake service

  • Implement and manage private connectivity between cloud providers and Snowflake

- Access the Snowflake SQL API
- Use IP address allowed lists and blocked lists for access using network access policies

Set up and manage security administration and authorization. - Use and monitor SCIM
  • Describe SCIM and its use cases as they relate to Snowflake
  • Manage users and groups with SCIM
  • Enable, configure, and manage SCIM integration

- Manage service accounts, API integration, and automated authentication (for example, key pair authentication)

Given a set of business requirements, establish access control architecture. - Describe access control framework
  • Discretionary Access Control (DAC)
  • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

- Describe the uses for, and hierarchy of, system-defined roles
- Use cases for custom security roles
- Demonstrate key concepts of access control
- Describe the implications of role inheritance when granting or revoking privileges
- Describe the enforcement model
- Demonstrate how to grant access to specific objects within a database that requires privilege inheritance

Given a scenario, create and manage access control. - List and use different privileges available for each object type in Snowflake
- Custom security roles and users (for example, include related SHOW commands)
- Audit user activity history and query activity history across a Snowflake account
Given a scenario, configure access controls. - Use system-defined roles
- Create custom roles
- Use secondary roles
- Implement inheritance and nesting of system-defined roles
- Follow best practices for using and securing the ACCOUNTADMIN role
- Align usage of object access with business functions
- Describe cloned objects and their impact on granted privileges
- Designate additional Administrators in Snowflake
- View granted privileges TO users and roles, and ON objects
- Implement and manage future grants including restrictions and limitations
- Evaluate the various scenarios using warehouse grants (for example, USAGE, OPERATE, MODIFY, MONITOR)
- Implement and manage managed access schemas
- Provide access to a non-account Administrator to monitor billing and usage information
- Manage account-level permissions

Account Management and Data Governance : 20-25%

Manage organizations and accounts. - Describe the benefits of an organization
- Describe organizational tasks
  • Create and name an organization
  • Name various types of organization accounts
  • Identify what regions are available for a given organization

- Understand account tasks

  • View, create, and list accounts
  • Change account names
  • Enable replication for accounts

- Manage Tri-Secret Secure
- Manage encryption keys in Snowflake

  • Describe how Snowflake encrypts customer data
  • Describe encryption key rotation and periodic rekeying configuration
Manage organizations and access control. - Follow best practices when using the ORGADMIN role
- Compare the differences between ORGADMIN and ACCOUNTADMIN roles
Implement and manage data governance in Snowflake. - Mask column data in Snowflake
  • Implement and manage column-level security using masking policies
  • Use external tokenization to protect Personal Identifiable Information (PII)
    1. Describe the differences between data masking and external tokenization

- Implement and manage row access policies

  • Configure a row access policy on an object
  • Compare row access policies to secure views

- Perform auditing of access history

  • Audit access history details using the access history views

- Use tagging and classification in Snowflake

  • Identify use cases where tagging would be beneficial
  • Implement and manage tagging
  • Implement tag-based masking policies
Given a scenario, manage account identifiers. - Describe the differences between account names and account locators
- Identify when a given account identifier needs to be used
- Use region IDs and region groups
Given a scenario, manage databases, tables, and views. - Implement Snowflake table structures
- Establish and use temporary and transient tables
- Establish and use external tables
- Implement and manage views, secure views, and materialized views
- Outline table design considerations
- Outline the use cases when cloning is beneficial
- Outline data storage and data retention considerations
Perform queries in Snowflake. - Use Snowflake sequences
- Use persisted query results
- Demonstrate the ability to cancel statements for both a single user as well as for other users
- Use query history filters including client-generated queries and queries executed by user tasks
- Visualize query results with Snowsight
  • Use Snowsight dashboards to monitor activity
  • Share worksheets and dashboards
  • Generate and share Snowsight charts
Given a scenario, stage data in Snowflake. - Stage data files from a local file system
  • Use SnowSQL
  • Use Snowsight

- Create, manage, and maintain Snowflake internal and external stages

  • Data exfiltration, storage integrations, etc.
Given a scenario, manage streams and tasks. - Outline user-managed (virtual-warehouse) tasks and associated use cases
  • Schedule tasks
  • Permissions required for creating and executing tasks
  • Troubleshoot task historical runs

- Outline Snowflake-managed (serverless) tasks and associated use cases
- Outline streams and associated use cases

  • Create, monitor, and consume streams
  • Describe how data retention configuration affects usage of streams

Performance Monitoring and Tuning : 20-25%

Given business requirements, design, manage, and maintain virtual warehouses. - Outline the impact on data loading, and query processing based on warehouse sizes
- Configure warehouse properties (auto-suspend, auto-resume)
- Given a scenario, manage warehouse usage in sessions and size the warehouse accordingly
- Given a scenario, manage a multi-cluster warehouse
  • Describe use cases and benefits
  • Describe, establish, and maintain a scaling policy
  • Monitor multi-cluster warehouses
Monitor Snowflake performance. - Evaluate and interpret Query Profiles to improve performance
  • Describe the components of the Query Profile:
    1. Steps
    2. Operator tree
    3. Operator nodes
    4. Operator types
  • Compare compile versus runtime optimizations
  • Identify/create efficient queries
    1. Articulate the execution path
    2. Use effective joining condition
    3. Perform grouping, sorting, and ordering
  • Troubleshoot common query performance issues
  • If data spilling is present, describe its impact and remediation tactics
  • If data pruning is not occuring, describe its impact and remediation tactics
  • Describe the various timeout parameters
- Use an explain plan
- Compare and contrast different caching techniques available in Snowflake and the impact of caching on performance
  • Resultset cache
  • Local disk (warehouse) cache
    1. What is the impact of warehouse resumption/suspension on local disk cache?
  • Metadata cache
- Implement performance improvements
  • Recommend the use of materialized views
  • Use the search optimization service
  • Create external tables
  • Use data caching
  • Use the query acceleration service
Manage DML locking and concurrency in Snowflake. - Describe DML concurrency considerations
- Follow best practices for DML locking and concurrency
- Monitor transaction activity
  • Abort transactions
Given a scenario, implement resource monitors. - Create, manage, modify, and remove resource monitors based on use cases and business requirements
  • Set up notifications for resource monitors
Interpret and make recommendations for data clustering. - Configure and maintain cluster keys
  • Create and enable cluster keys
    1. Outline a methodology for explicit clustering
  • Use the automatic clustering service
    1. Monitor and assess usage
  • Follow best practices for clustering
    1. Lowest cardinality column first
    2. Fewer columns is generally better
    3. Verify table scan is the problem - otherwise a cluster key will not help

- Describe micro-partitions, their benefits, and their impact
- Retrieve clustering information (depth, ratio, and histogram)

Manage costs and pricing. - Manage organization costs
  • Describe the differences between account_usage and organization_usage
  • Monitor accounts and usage on the organization level
    1. Use the ORGANIZATION_USAGE schema in the SNOWFLAKE shared database
  • Monitor and calculate data transfer costs
  • Monitor and calculate data replication costs

- Forecast and monitor costs and pricing

  • Enable resource monitor notifications
  • Determine when warehouses should be suspended or resumed based on cost and pricing

- Describe the use cases for the account_usage and information_schema

  • Views available from the information_schema
  • Latency and data retention considerations

- Monitor and calculate data storage usage/credit
- Monitor and calculate warehouse usage/credits

  • Demonstrate cost saving strategies
  • Use resource monitors

- Describe how Snowflake credits are consumed by the cloud services layer (such as Snowpipe, materialized views, and automatic clustering
- Apply techniques for cost optimization

Data Sharing, Data Exchange, and Snowflake Marketplace : 10-15%

Manage and implement data sharing. - Given a scenario, implement sharing solutions and impacts
  • Types of sharing (such as one to one/one to many, private exchange, Snowflake Marketplace)
  • Sharing among different editions of Snowflake
  • Sharing cross-regions or cross-clouds
    1. The role of replications
    2. Cross-cloud auto fulfillment for listings
  • Configure data sharing programmatically
    1. Share different types of data objects including secure functions
    2. Describe the role of context functions in data sharing
- Manage data providers and consumers
  • Create, manage, and maintain an outbound data share
  • Share objects securely in a data share (for example, what type to use)
  • Use secure objects to share data
    1. Secure views
    2. Secure User-defined Functions (UDFs)
  • Create, manage and maintain readers accounts
    1. Create user and role for access
    2. Create resource monitors
    3. Create objects
    4. Determine if there is a need to store data (CREATE DATABASE)
  • Import, manage, and maintain inbound data shares
Use the Data Exchange.
- Manage administration and membership
- Access the Data Exchange
- Outline the process of becoming a data provider
  • Create, edit, or delete provider profiles
- Manage data listings
  • Publish, edit, unpublish, or republish data listings
Use the Snowflake Marketplace. - Access the Snowflake Marketplace to browse listing
  • Request access to a Snowflake Marketplace listing (as a consumer)

- Request that new data or a data provider be added to the Snowflake Marketplace

  • Create and manage data provider profiles
  • Create, submit, manage, and modify a data listing

- Manage listing requests

  • View and manage pending listing requests

- Manage data listings
- Monitor data sharing usage

Disaster Recovery, Backup, and Data Replication : 10-15%

Manage data replication. - Describe the differences between primary and secondary databases
- Replicate database objects
- Replicate account-level objects
- Manage access controls
- Perform database replication
- Enable scheduled replication
- Outline the database replication processes with respect to the different Snowflake editions
  • Replicate data to a lower Snowflake edition

- Describe the limitations of database replications
- Outline the implications of database replications (for example, billing
- Outline database replications considerations for:

  • Automatic clustering
  • Materialized views
  • External tables
  • Policies (masking and row access)
  • Table streams
  • Tasks
  • Stages (internal and external)
  • Access controls
  • Historical usage data
  • Tags
  • Pipes
  • Cloned objects

- Perform replication across multiple accounts
- Outline the impact of failing-over databases across multiple accounts
- Redirect client connections in case of fail-over
- Design and implement disaster recovery and business continuity plans

  • What is database failover or failback?
  • Awareness of cost implications

- Implement backup best practices in Snowflake

Given a scenario, manage Snowflake Time Travel and Fail-safe. - Data retention periods
- Enable and/or disable
- Query historical data
- Restore dropped objects
- Snowflake edition implications
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