Snowflake COF-C02 Certification Exam Sample Questions

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Snowflake COF-C02 Sample Questions:

01. Which copy option is used to delete the file from the Snowflake stage when data from staged files are loaded successfully?
02. A clustering key is added or modified for a large table. Which type of queries will likely see performance improvement?
a) Queries that select all rows in the table
b) Queries that sort on the columns which are part of the cluster key
c) Queries that join on the columns which are part of the cluster key
d) Queries that select all columns in the table
e) Queries that group on the columns which are part of the cluster key
f) Queries that filter on the columns which are part of the cluster key
03. For a non-ACCOUNTADMIN user, what privileges are required to create a share?
a) MANAGE ACCOUNT privileges
b) CREATE ACCOUNT privileges
c) SECURITY privileges
d) CREATE SHARE privileges
04. Dynamic Data Masking provides what sort of security in Snowflake?
a) Object Security
b) Row-level security
c) Column-level security
d) Database-level security
05. What is Snowflake's behaviour when enforcing a network policy with an IP address in both the block list and the allow list?
a) The specific IP address is ignored from the network policy
b) Snowflake uses the allow list first, ensuring that the IP address can connect even if it is also in the block list.
c) Because both the allowed and blocked lists cannot be filled, the network policy is invalid.
d) Snowflake initially applies the block list, preventing the IP address from connecting, even if it is also defined in the allow list.
06. How can a directory table metadata be refreshed automatically and efficiently to synchronize the metadata with the latest associated files in the external stage and path?
a) Using Stream
b) Using Tasks
c) Using Cloud event notification service
d) Using both Tasks and Stream
e) It is a manual process and cant be automatically refreshed
07. When the Virtual Warehouse data cache gets filled up, in which fashion does the data get flushed out from the data cache?
b) First In First Out (FIFO)
c) Last In Last Out (LILO)
08. External tables are a good solution for which of the following is true?
a) Typically only a subset of data is being accessed
b) Data is in binary format and can not be loaded into Snowflake.
c) The data is not accessed frequently.
d) Data is already in a data lake on a cloud platform (e.g., S3, Azure Blob Storage)
09. You need to see the history of all queries executed in the last 60 minutes. Which of the following method should you use?
a) Request Snowflake support to provide query history
b) Use the QUERY_HISTORY table function in the INFORMATION schema
c) Use the QUERY_HISTORY view in the ACCOUNT_USAGE schema
d) View the historical queries using the history tab
10. What all options are available for data transformation while loading data into a table using the COPY command?
a) Column omission
b) Column reordering
c) Casts
d) Truncation of Text Strings
e) Join


Question: 01
Answer: c
Question: 02
Answer: b, c, e, f
Question: 03
Answer: d
Question: 04
Answer: c
Question: 05
Answer: d
Question: 06
Answer: c
Question: 07
Answer: a
Question: 08
Answer: a, c, d
Question: 09
Answer: b
Question: 10
Answer: a, b, c, d

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