We have prepared Salesforce Net Zero Cloud Accredited Professional certification sample questions to make you aware of actual exam properties. This sample question set provides you with information about the Salesforce Net Zero Cloud exam pattern, question formate, a difficulty level of questions and time required to answer each question. To get familiar with Salesforce Net Zero Cloud Accredited Professional exam, we suggest you try our Sample Salesforce Net Zero Cloud Certification Practice Exam in simulated Salesforce certification exam environment.
To test your knowledge and understanding of concepts with real-time scenario based questions, we strongly recommend you to prepare and practice with Premium Salesforce Net Zero Cloud Certification Practice Exam. The premium certification practice exam helps you identify topics in which you are well prepared and topics in which you may need further training to achieving great score in actual Salesforce Net Zero Cloud Accredited Professional exam.
Salesforce Net Zero Cloud Sample Questions:
01. How can Net Zero Cloud facilitate data mapping for emissions tracking?
a) By creating automated workflows for CRMA dashboards.
b) By aligning customer data with scopes and emissions factors.
c) By generating predictive forecasts without historical data.
d) By replacing all third-party systems for emissions reporting.
02. What actions are necessary to configure Net Zero Cloud for a customer's sustainability reporting?
(Choose three)
a) Map emissions scopes to organizational boundaries.
b) Import historical data for emissions calculations.
c) Design CRMA dashboards to visualize key metrics.
d) Automate order fulfillment processes.
03. Which tasks are involved in configuring Net Zero Cloud for emissions tracking?
(Choose three)
a) Automating workflows for sustainability approvals.
b) Defining organizational boundaries.
c) Setting up CRMA dashboards.
d) Mapping data to emissions scopes.
04. What are the key elements to consider when mapping external data sources to Net Zero Cloud?
(Choose three)
a) Data accuracy and completeness.
b) Compatibility with the emissions data model.
c) Integration with CRMA dashboards.
d) Volume of data to be processed daily.
05. How does Net Zero Cloud handle multi-scope emissions reporting?
a) By assigning emissions factors to predefined templates.
b) By segregating data into Scope 1, 2, and 3 for detailed analysis.
c) By automating compliance workflows.
d) By integrating with real-time IoT systems only.
06. When gathering requirements for Net Zero Cloud, what is the most critical step in ensuring accurate emissions calculations?
a) Automating data imports from third-party systems.
b) Focusing solely on Scope 1 emissions.
c) Limiting data collection to internal systems only.
d) Identifying all data sources and ensuring their completeness.
07. Which steps are involved in configuring CRMA dashboards for sustainability metrics?
(Choose three)
a) Configure Apex triggers for real-time updates.
b) Connect data sources to the CRMA dataset.
c) Customize dashboard visualizations.
d) Define key performance indicators (KPIs).
08. When mapping use cases to licenses, which Net Zero Cloud component is required to track utility consumption?
a) Utility Management Module
b) Carbon Accounting Module
c) Emissions Scope Tracker
d) Tableau CRM
09. What are the primary goals of configuring the Target Setting feature in Net Zero Cloud?
(Choose two)
a) Automate emissions data imports.
b) Generate compliance reports for stakeholders.
c) Establish measurable sustainability goals.
d) Track progress toward net-zero targets.
10. Which data inputs are required to calculate emissions in Net Zero Cloud?
(Choose three)
a) Utility consumption data.
b) Historical carbon footprint data.
c) Employee performance metrics.
d) Emission factors.
Question: 01
Answer: b |
Question: 02
Answer: a, b, c |
Question: 03
Answer: b, c, d |
Question: 04
Answer: a, b, c |
Question: 05
Answer: b |
Question: 06
Answer: d |
Question: 07
Answer: b, c, d |
Question: 08
Answer: a |
Question: 09
Answer: c, d |
Question: 10
Answer: a, b, d |
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