Salesforce Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Consultant Certification Exam Syllabus

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It is recommended for all the candidates to refer the Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Consultant objectives and sample questions provided in this preparation guide. The Salesforce Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Consultant certification is mainly targeted to the candidates who want to build their career in Salesforce Marketer domain and demonstrate their expertise. We suggest you to use practice exam listed in this cert guide to get used to with exam environment and identify the knowledge areas where you need more work prior to taking the actual Salesforce Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Consultant exam.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Consultant Exam Summary:

Exam Name
Salesforce Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Consultant
Exam Code Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Consultant
Exam Price Registration fee: USD 200
Retake fee: USD 100
Duration 105 minutes
Number of Questions 60
Passing Score 68%
Recommended Training / Books Market to Your Customers with Account Engagement
Schedule Exam Kryterion Webassessor
Sample Questions Salesforce Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Consultant Sample Questions
Recommended Practice Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Consultant Practice Test

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Consultant Syllabus:

Section Objectives Weight
- Given a scenario that includes an assessment of a customer's current Salesforce and Account Engagement landscape as well as business objectives, analyze and make recommendations on a path forward.
- Design a strategy to identify customer business needs based on marketing trends using currently available tools and methods.
Account Configuration - Articulate the implications and importance of technical setup.
- Develop a plan to maintain data integrity during data migration.
- Given a usage governance plan, develop and recommend a strategy that addresses organization and authorization (or access).
Automating Business Processes - Given a scenario, recommend the best automation tool(s) (automation rule, segmentation rule, dynamic list, completion action).
- Given a scenario, design a sequence of events in Account Engagement to complete a marketing initiative (assets, automations, notifications, etc.).
- Given a scenario, develop and implement a lead nurturing strategy.
Email Marketing - Apply email marketing standards and best practices to customer business needs. 10%
Lead Management
- Given a customer scenario, develop and recommend a lead generation strategy including Account Engagement assets.
- Given a lead qualification threshold, classify prospects appropriately.
- Given a scenario, recommend a model to route qualified and unqualified leads across the business.
Personalizing the Prospect Experience - Recommend ways to personalize the prospect experience.
- Design a strategy to meet a company's consent management requirements.
Reporting, Metrics & Analytics - Recommend the technical set-up requirements for reporting and analytics.
- Identify reporting methods to solve a given scenario.
Sales Emails and Alerts
- Configure Sales Emails and Alerts for sales use.
- Summarize the benefits of Sales Emails and Alerts.
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