Salesforce Data Cloud Consultant Certification Exam Sample Questions

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To test your knowledge and understanding of concepts with real-time scenario based questions, we strongly recommend you to prepare and practice with Premium Salesforce Data Cloud Consultant Certification Practice Exam. The premium certification practice exam helps you identify topics in which you are well prepared and topics in which you may need further training to achieving great score in actual Salesforce Certified Data Cloud Consultant exam.

Salesforce Data Cloud Consultant Sample Questions:

01. How can cloud administrators effectively manage and minimize the risk of unauthorized access to cloud resources?
a) By disabling firewalls to ensure all services are accessible
b) Implementing strict password policies and multi-factor authentication
c) Using a single, shared administrator account for simplicity
d) Avoiding the use of encryption, as it can be bypassed
02. In data modeling, what is a surrogate key?
a) A primary key that is also a foreign key in another table
b) An encryption key used to secure data
c) A unique identifier for each row that is not derived from application data
d) A key that uniquely identifies documents in a NoSQL database
03. What is a best practice for ensuring data integrity when integrating Salesforce Data Cloud with an ERP system?
a) Keeping all ERP data in sync manually
b) Using middleware for bidirectional synchronization and error handling
c) Importing ERP data into Salesforce once a year
d) Allowing users to update data in both systems independently
04. In a solution overview, how should the proposed solution align with the client's needs?
a) By offering the most cost-effective option
b) By replicating solutions from similar projects
c) Through customization to meet specific client requirements
d) By ensuring the fastest implementation time
05. Which factor is essential to consider when outlining a solution's scalability in the overview?
a) The current size of the organization only
b) Future growth and technology trends
c) The project's initial cost
d) The availability of project team members
06. Which feature should be used to automate data entry and ensure data consistency across related records?
a) Process Builder
b) Data Loader
c) Workflow Rules
d) Apex Triggers
07. What does it mean to "act on data" in a business context?
a) Ignoring data insights in decision-making
b) Making decisions and initiating actions based on data analysis and insights
c) Collecting as much data as possible without analysis
d) Focusing solely on historical data for future predictions
08. Why is ongoing maintenance and updating of identity resolution systems important?
a) To ensure the system remains effective as data evolves and new sources are added
b) Data never changes, making ongoing maintenance unnecessary
c) Maintenance is only required if the system breaks down
d) Updating systems can be ignored if the initial setup is correct
09. How can a consultant use Salesforce reports and dashboards to improve data visibility for management?
a) By exporting data to a spreadsheet for manual analysis
b) Creating dynamic reports and dashboards tailored to management's KPIs
c) Limiting access to reports and dashboards to senior management only
d) Using standard reports without customization
10. Why is segmenting a customer base important for developing marketing strategies?
a) It allows for one-size-fits-all messaging
b) It ensures that marketing efforts are uniformly distributed across all potential customers
c) It guarantees increased sales without additional marketing efforts
d) It enables personalized and targeted marketing efforts that are more likely to resonate with specific groups


Question: 01
Answer: b
Question: 02
Answer: c
Question: 03
Answer: b
Question: 04
Answer: c
Question: 05
Answer: b
Question: 06
Answer: a
Question: 07
Answer: b
Question: 08
Answer: a
Question: 09
Answer: b
Question: 10
Answer: d

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