Linux Foundation CBA Certification Exam Sample Questions

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To test your knowledge and understanding of concepts with real-time scenario based Linux Foundation CBA questions, we strongly recommend you to prepare and practice with Premium Linux Foundation Backstage Associate Certification Practice Exam. The premium Linux Foundation Backstage Associate certification practice exam helps you identify topics in which you are well prepared and topics in which you may need further training to achieving great score in actual Certified Backstage Associate (CBA) exam.

Linux Foundation CBA Sample Questions:

01. Which Docker command is used to build a Backstage image?
a) docker-compose up
b) docker build.
c) docker run -p 7007:7007
d) docker pull backstage
02. What are valid methods for adding entities to the Backstage Catalog?
a) Manual registration
b) Entity ingestion API
c) Plugin discovery
d) Editing the database directly
03. Which utilities are used to theme Material UI components in Backstage?
a) ThemeProvider
b) Typography
c) createTheme
d) StylesProvider
04. How can you customize the default Backstage layout?
a) By modifying the app-config.yaml file
b) By overriding React components in App.tsx
c) By creating new backend plugins
d) By editing routes.ts in the backend
05. When creating a new Backstage plugin, which command initializes the plugin structure?
a) yarn create-plugin
b) npm plugin-init
c) yarn plugin-init
d) npm create-plugin
06. In Backstage’s client-server architecture, what role does the frontend play?
a) Hosts the Backstage catalog
b) Processes backend plugins
c) Interacts with APIs and renders the UI
d) Manages database connections
07. What type of file is typically used to specify dependencies for Backstage backend plugins?
a) package.json
b) app-config.yaml
c) Dockerfile
d) backend-config.yaml
08. What are the purposes of running a Backstage project locally?
a) To debug deployment issues
b) To test custom plugins
c) To update global dependencies
d) To troubleshoot local configurations
09. Which of the following are required steps to create a Docker container for a Backstage project?
a) Write a Dockerfile
b) Run docker build.
c) Run docker-compose up
d) Add dependencies in package.json
10. What is a key difference between frontend and backend plugins in Backstage?
a) Frontend plugins manage API integrations, while backend plugins manage UI components.
b) Frontend plugins handle user interfaces, while backend plugins manage server-side logic.
c) Backend plugins are required for CI/CD integration, while frontend plugins handle entity ingestion.
d) Backend plugins render UI components dynamically, while frontend plugins are static.


Question: 01
Answer: b
Question: 02
Answer: a, b
Question: 03
Answer: a, c
Question: 04
Answer: b
Question: 05
Answer: a
Question: 06
Answer: c
Question: 07
Answer: a
Question: 08
Answer: b, d
Question: 09
Answer: a, b
Question: 10
Answer: b

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