HashiCorp Vault Associate Certification Exam Sample Questions

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To test your knowledge and understanding of concepts with real-time scenario based questions, we strongly recommend you to prepare and practice with Premium HashiCorp Vault Associate Certification Practice Exam. The premium certification practice exam helps you identify topics in which you are well prepared and topics in which you may need further training to achieving great score in actual HashiCorp Certified - Vault Associate exam.

HashiCorp Vault Associate Sample Questions:

01. An organization needs to protect sensitive application data currently stored in a database as plaintext. Which secrets engine provides a solution?
a) Key/Value v2 secrets engine
b) Cubbyhole secrets engine
c) Transit secrets engine
d) Database secrets engine
02. What is true of Vault tokens?
Choose TWO correct answers.
a) Vault tokens are generated by every authentication method login
b) Vault tokens are also known as unseal keys
c) Vault tokens are required for every Vault call
d) Vault token IDs always begin with "s." such as s.E7rOurS2n7m2Dt5409jWxR87
e) Vault tokens are the core method for authentication in Vault
03. Using the Vault CLI, what command is used to authenticate to Vault?
a) vault auth
b) vault login
c) vault user
d) vault creds
04. Which of the following statements explains the benefit of response wrapping?
Choose TWO correct answers.
a) Limits the time of secret exposure by having a short-lived wrapping token
b) Allow versioning of the secrets
c) It protects Vault's master key
d) Only the reference to the secrets is transmitted over the public network
e) Limits the size of secrets to be transmitted over the network
05. Vault operators can create two types of groups in Vault. What are the two types?
a) user groups
b) external groups
c) policy groups
d) internal groups
e) security groups
06. Where on the page would you click to display the list of available Vault-created encryption keys.
a) Cubbyhole/
per-token private secret storage
b) secret/
v2 kv_ad199c3d
key/value secret storage
c) transit/
07. Which path will this policy allow?
path "kv/+/team_*" {
    capabilities = [ "read" ]
a) kv/team_edu
b) kv/us-west/team
c) kv/us-west/team_edu
d) kv/us-west/ca/team_edu
08. Which statements correctly describe the command below.
Choose TWO correct answers.
vault write transit/decrypt/password \
a) Returns an error due to missing encryption key name
b) Returns base64-encoded plaintext
c) Decrypts the ciphertext if the token permits
d) Returns the ciphertext
e) Requires sudo capability on the transit/decrypt/password path
09. Which statement is true about an orphan token?
a) It does not expire when its parent does
b) It is not persisted
c) It does not have a max time-to-live (TTL)
d) It has a use limit
10. You need to edit a policy, but the UI appears as shown. What is the problem?
a) This is an UI error. Contact support.
b) You don't have a permission to manage policies.
c) Vault UI does not support policy creation and management.
d) Use the command shell in UI to manage policies.


Question: 01
Answer: c
Question: 02
Answer: a, e
Question: 03
Answer: b
Question: 04
Answer: a, d
Question: 05
Answer: b, d
Question: 06
Answer: c
Question: 07
Answer: c
Question: 08
Answer: b, c
Question: 09
Answer: a
Question: 10
Answer: b

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