Google GCP-ACE Certification Exam Sample Questions

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To test your knowledge and understanding of concepts with real-time scenario based Google GCP-ACE questions, we strongly recommend you to prepare and practice with Premium Google Associate Cloud Engineer Certification Practice Exam. The premium Google Associate Cloud Engineer certification practice exam helps you identify topics in which you are well prepared and topics in which you may need further training to achieving great score in actual Google Cloud Platform - Associate Cloud Engineer (GCP-ACE) exam.

Google GCP-ACE Sample Questions:

01. Your company has reserved a monthly budget for your project. You want to be informed automatically of your project spend so that you can take action when you approach the limit. What should you do?
a) Link a credit card with a monthly limit equal to your budget.
b) Create a budget alert for 50%, 90%, and 100% of your total monthly budget.
c) In App Engine Settings, set a daily budget at the rate of 1/30 of your monthly budget.
d) In the GCP Console, configure billing export to BigQuery. Create a saved view that queries your total spend.
02. You are creating a Kubernetes Engine cluster to deploy multiple pods inside the cluster. All container logs must be stored in BigQuery for later analysis. You want to follow Google-recommended practices.
Which two approaches can you take?
a) Turn on Stackdriver Logging during the Kubernetes Engine cluster creation.
b) Turn on Stackdriver Monitoring during the Kubernetes Engine cluster creation.
c) Develop a custom add-on that uses Cloud Logging API and BigQuery API. Deploy the add-on to your Kubernetes Engine cluster.
d) Use the Stackdriver Logging export feature to create a sink to Cloud Storage. Create a Cloud Dataflow job that imports log files from Cloud Storage to BigQuery.
e) Use the Stackdriver Logging export feature to create a sink to BigQuery. Specify a filter expression to export log records related to your Kubernetes Engine cluster only.
03. You have an application server running on Compute Engine in the europe-west1-d zone. You need to ensure high availability and replicate the server to the europe-west2-c zone using the fewest steps possible.
What should you do?
a) Create a snapshot from the disk. Create a disk from the snapshot in the europe-west2-c zone. Create a new VM with that disk.
b) Create a snapshot from the disk. Create a disk from the snapshot in the europe-west1-d zone and then move the disk to europe-west2-c. Create a new VM with that disk.
c) Use "gcloud" to copy the disk to the europe-west2-c zone. Create a new VM with that disk.
d) Use "gcloud compute instances move" with parameter "--destination-zone europe-west2-c" to move the instance to the new zone.
04. You are a project owner and need your co-worker to deploy a new version of your application to App Engine. You want to follow Google’s recommended practices.
Which IAM roles should you grant your co-worker?
a) Project Editor
b) App Engine Service Admin
c) App Engine Deployer
d) App Engine Code Viewer
05. You want to find out who in your organization has Owner access to a project called "my-project". What should you do?
a) In the Google Cloud Platform Console, go to the IAM page for your organization and apply the filter "Role:Owner".
b) In the Google Cloud Platform Console, go to the IAM page for your project and apply the filter "Role:Owner".
c) Use "gcloud iam list-grantable-role --project my-project" from your Terminal.
d) Use "gcloud iam list-grantable-role" from Cloud Shell on the project page.
06. You created an update for your application on App Engine. You want to deploy the update without impacting your users.
You want to be able to roll back as quickly as possible if it fails. What should you do?
a) Delete the current version of your application. Deploy the update using the same version identifier as the deleted version.
b) Notify your users of an upcoming maintenance window. Deploy the update in that maintenance window.
c) Deploy the update as the same version that is currently running.
d) Deploy the update as a new version. Migrate traffic from the current version to the new version.
07. Your application has a large international audience and runs stateless virtual machines within a managed instance group across multiple locations.
One feature of the application lets users upload files and share them with other users. Files must be available for 30 days; after that, they are removed from the system entirely.
Which storage solution should you choose?
a) A Cloud Datastore database.
b) A multi-regional Cloud Storage bucket.
c) Persistent SSD on virtual machine instances.
d) A managed instance group of Filestore servers.
08. You need to verify the assigned permissions in a custom IAM role. What should you do?
a) Use the GCP Console, IAM section to view the information.
b) Use the "gcloud init" command to view the information.
c) Use the GCP Console, Security section to view the information.
d) Use the GCP Console, API section to view the information.
09. Your project has all its Compute Engine resources in the europe-west1 region. You want to set europe-west1 as the default region for gcloud commands.
What should you do?
a) Use Cloud Shell instead of the command line interface of your device. Launch Cloud Shell after you navigate to a resource in the europe-west1 region. The europe-west1 region will automatically become the default region.
b) Use "gcloud config set compute/region europe-west1" to set the default region for future gcloud commands.
c) Use "gcloud config set compute/zone europe-west1" to set the default region for future gcloud commands.
d) Create a VPN from on-premises to a subnet in europe-west1, and use that connection when executing gcloud commands.
10. Your company has a mission-critical application that serves users globally. You need to select a transactional, relational data storage system for this application. Which two products should you consider?
a) BigQuery
b) Cloud SQL
c) Cloud Spanner
d) Cloud Bigtable
e) Cloud Datastore


Question: 01
Answer: b
Question: 02
Answer: a, e
Question: 03
Answer: a
Question: 04
Answer: c
Question: 05
Answer: b
Question: 06
Answer: d
Question: 07
Answer: b
Question: 08
Answer: a
Question: 09
Answer: b
Question: 10
Answer: b, c

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