Genesys GEOP-ESV Certification Exam Sample Questions

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To test your knowledge and understanding of concepts with real-time scenario based Genesys GEOP-ESV questions, we strongly recommend you to prepare and practice with Premium Genesys Engage on-premises E-Services Certification Practice Exam. The premium Genesys Engage on-premises E-Services certification practice exam helps you identify topics in which you are well prepared and topics in which you may need further training to achieving great score in actual Genesys Engage on-premises E-Services Certification (GEOP-ESV) exam.

Genesys GEOP-ESV Sample Questions:

01. Which component is essential for routing multimedia interactions to agents?
a) Interaction Server
b) Multimedia Switch
c) DBServer
d) Universal Contact Server (UCS)
02. What is a limitation of the UCS Database in Genesys eServices?
a) It cannot store multimedia interaction data.
b) It supports only a limited number of interaction types.
c) It requires manual configuration for real-time data synchronization.
d) It has constraints on simultaneous search and retrieval operations.
03. Which tool is used to monitor deployment progress in eServices?
a) UCSManager
b) Deployment Wizard
c) Content Analyzer
d) Interaction Server Logs
04. What are two core components of the Genesys eServices architecture?
(Choose two)
a) Interaction Server
b) Genesys Administrator Extension (GAX)
c) Universal Contact Server (UCS)
d) Voice Routing Server
05. Which configuration is required to customize a database for Universal Contact Server (UCS)?
a) Defining user roles and permissions
b) Modifying the database schema to include custom properties
c) Encrypting interaction data for secure storage
d) Configuring UCSManager for real-time reporting
06. What are two critical features of Genesys Mobile Services?
(Choose two)
a) Real-time interaction routing for mobile users
b) Integration with WebDAV for storage
c) Secure HTTPS communication
d) Customizable mobile widgets
07. Which task is required to deploy Knowledge Management in Genesys eServices?
a) Configuring the UCS Archive Database
b) Deploying the Content Analyzer GAX Plugin
c) Testing multimedia routing rules
d) Encrypting metadata in WebDAV
08. Which two components are critical for chat interaction storage and management?
(Choose two)
a) UCS
b) Multimedia Switch
c) Interaction Server
d) SpeechMiner
09. SMS server supports the following:
(Choose One)
a) Receiving an individual SMS message from a mobile client and sending back an agent’s response
b) Sending an individual SMS message to a mobile client on a Contact Center initiative
c) Creating and keeping an interactive conversation between a mobile client and an agent in the form of a conventional chat session
d) All of the above
10. What two benefits do custom properties provide in Genesys eServices?
(Choose two)
a) Enhanced routing flexibility for specific business needs
b) Improved scalability of interaction storage
c) Faster generation of real-time adherence reports
d) Granular reporting based on customized attributes


Question: 01
Answer: a
Question: 02
Answer: d
Question: 03
Answer: b
Question: 04
Answer: a, c
Question: 05
Answer: b
Question: 06
Answer: c, d
Question: 07
Answer: b
Question: 08
Answer: a, c
Question: 09
Answer: d
Question: 10
Answer: a, d

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