Genesys GCX-GCD Certification Exam Sample Questions

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Genesys GCX-GCD Sample Questions:

01. Downloading a recording using conversation ID __________.
a) Requires only one request to api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}/recordings with response code 200 if successful
b) Requires only one request to api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}/recordings with response code 202 if successful
c) Requires only one request to api/v2/recordings/{conversationId} with response code 202 if successful
d) Requires sending two Get requests to api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}/recordings
02. What does the "Trunks" feature in Genesys Cloud manage?
a) Internal chat communication between agents
b) Outbound email marketing campaigns
c) Voice traffic between Genesys Cloud and the organization's telephony network
d) Real-time dashboards for customer interactions
03. Choose the three different query types that can be generated through the analytics query builder.
a) Flow Observation
b) Queue Detail
c) Flow Detail
d) Conversation Detail
e) Queue Observation
04. Which of the following is true about Genesys Cloud roles?
a) Roles are only applicable to agents
b) Roles define permissions for users across different features
c) Roles are automatically assigned based on queue performance
d) Roles can only be configured at the time of agent onboarding
05. Create a brand-new user with a phone number and user image. Next, assign two existing routing skills, with known IDs, to this user. What is the least number of Genesys Cloud API requests needed to accomplish this task?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
06. What configurations can be made in the ACD email routing settings in Genesys Cloud?
(Select two)
a) Assign email queues to specific agents
b) Create outbound email templates
c) Route emails based on agent skills
d) Set agent schedule adherence metrics
07. How can recordings be downloaded using the Recording API in Genesys Cloud?
a) By specifying the agent’s ID
b) By using the conversation ID of the interaction
c) By configuring telephony settings
d) By setting up agent skill routing rules
08. Which of the following data is needed to get the next page results of the job?
a) State
b) Page URL
c) Query String
d) Cursor
09. User status observation query provides __________.
a) A high-level summary of user activity.
b) A low-level view of the user's status changes during a given interval.
c) User's current activity pertaining to ACD queue membership.
d) User's historical performance data
10. Which actions can be performed using ACD and Supervisor Tools in Genesys Cloud?
(Select two)
a) Assign licenses to agents
b) Manage skill-based routing configurations
c) Monitor outbound email campaigns
d) Activate or deactivate agents in queues


Question: 01
Answer: d
Question: 02
Answer: c
Question: 03
Answer: a, d, e
Question: 04
Answer: b
Question: 05
Answer: c
Question: 06
Answer: a, c
Question: 07
Answer: b
Question: 08
Answer: d
Question: 09
Answer: c
Question: 10
Answer: b, d

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