Alibaba ACA Developer (ACA-Developer) Certification Exam Syllabus

ACA-Developer Dumps Questions, ACA Developer PDF, ACA Developer Exam Questions PDF, Alibaba ACA Developer Dumps Free, ACA Developer Official Cert Guide PDF, Alibaba ACA-Developer Dumps, Alibaba ACA-Developer PDFThe Alibaba ACA Developer exam preparation guide is designed to provide candidates with necessary information about the ACA-Developer exam. It includes exam summary, sample questions, practice test, objectives and ways to interpret the exam objectives to enable candidates to assess the types of questions-answers that may be asked during the Alibaba Developer (ACA) exam.

It is recommended for all the candidates to refer the ACA Developer objectives and sample questions provided in this preparation guide. The Alibaba ACA-Developer certification is mainly targeted to the candidates who want to build their career in Developer domain and demonstrate their expertise. We suggest you to use practice exam listed in this cert guide to get used to with exam environment and identify the knowledge areas where you need more work prior to taking the actual Alibaba ACA Developer exam.

Alibaba ACA Developer Exam Summary:

Exam Name
Alibaba ACA Developer (ACA-Developer)
Exam Code ACA-Developer
Exam Price $120 USD
Duration 90 minutes
Number of Questions 50
Passing Score 60 / 100
Recommended Training / Books ACA Developer Exam Preparation Course
ACT85001 Alibaba Cloud Container Service Technical Essentials
Schedule Exam PEARSON VUE
Sample Questions Alibaba ACA Developer Sample Questions
Recommended Practice Alibaba Developer (ACA) Practice Test

Alibaba ACA Developer Syllabus:

Section Objectives Weight
Deploy Applications to the Cloud - Deploy and configure ECS on Alibaba Cloud.
- Setup remote access to ECS.
- Create ECS images to package application and runtime environments for easy distribution.
- Create container images for lightweight application packaging using Docker.
- Publish container images to Alibaba Cloud Container Registry (ACR).
- Run containers by using Alibaba Cloud Elastic Container Instance (ECI).
- Setup applications directly with Alibaba Cloud Function Compute, Serverless Workflow and API Gateway.
- Set up applications using Simple Application Server.
Interact with other Cloud Services - Use Alibaba Cloud CLI and SDK to manage cloud resources.
- Connect to Alibaba Cloud Object Storage Service (OSS) through both private and public network endpoints.
- Connect with Alibaba Cloud Relational Database Service (RDS) through both private and public network endpoints.
- Configure authentication for APIs calls.
- Implement solutions to interact with Alibaba Cloud Message Service.
- Implement solutions to interact with Alibaba Cloud Message Queues.
- Setting up CDN and Redis for content acceleration.
Monitoring, Debugging and Optimization - Use Cloud Monitor to monitor application resource usage and health status.
- Use Tracing Analysis to debug and analyze application issues.
- Implement autoscaling rules, including scheduled autoscaling, and scaling by operational or system metrics.
Data Storage Planning and Replication - Know how to select different types of NoSQL database for different application scenarios.
- Migrate data from a local environment to OSS or RDS.
- Set and retrieve properties and metadata for data in various storage services.
- Interact with data using the appropriate SDK.
- Implement data tiering, archiving, and retention for Cloud Disks, RDS, and OSS.
Access Control - Implement user authentication and authorization.
- Create and implement secret key based access signatures.
- Control access to resources by using role-based access controls (RBAC) implemented using Resource Access Management (RAM).
- Create and manage keys, secrets, and certificates using KMS and SSL Certificate Service.
- Choose proper data protection mechanisms in OSS.
- Choose proper data protection mechanisms in RDS.
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