The Alibaba ACA Business User exam preparation guide is designed to provide candidates with necessary information about the ACA-Business exam. It includes exam summary, sample questions, practice test, objectives and ways to interpret the exam objectives to enable candidates to assess the types of questions-answers that may be asked during the Alibaba Business User (ACA) exam.
It is recommended for all the candidates to refer the ACA Business User objectives and sample questions provided in this preparation guide. The Alibaba ACA-Business certification is mainly targeted to the candidates who want to build their career in Business User domain and demonstrate their expertise. We suggest you to use practice exam listed in this cert guide to get used to with exam environment and identify the knowledge areas where you need more work prior to taking the actual Alibaba ACA Business User exam.
Alibaba ACA Business User Exam Summary:
Exam Name
Alibaba ACA Business User (ACA-Business) |
Exam Code | ACA-Business |
Exam Price | $120 USD |
Duration | 90 minutes |
Number of Questions | 50 |
Passing Score | 70 / 100 |
Recommended Training / Books | ACA Business User Certification Exam Preparation course |
Schedule Exam | PEARSON VUE |
Sample Questions | Alibaba ACA Business User Sample Questions |
Recommended Practice | Alibaba Business User (ACA) Practice Test |
Alibaba ACA Business User Syllabus:
Section | Objectives | Weight |
Concepts on Cloud Computing |
- Understand the benefits of cloud in comparison with traditional on-premise model - Identify the demarcation of roles and responsibilities when using different cloud services - Identify the different cloud deployment model (Private, Public and Hybrid Cloud) - Understand Alibaba Cloud as a Cloud Service Provider |
20% |
Basic Components in Cloud Computing |
- Define some of the commonly used services in cloud services that can be used to replace traditional deployment (ECS, Storage Services) - Understands the importance of automation in cloud that allows flexibility in scaling (SLB, autoscaling) |
15% |
Accessing Cloud Services |
- Identify different user groups that access cloud services for different purposes - Understand different network services available that serves different purposes - Understand different management tools that can be used to manage resources in Alibaba Cloud such as Console, API and SDK |
15% |
Optimizing Cloud Services |
- Understand services that can be optimized using Platform as a Service such as RDS - Identify tools that can be used to streamline messages between applications such as Message Queue - Understand the different application architecture deployment and its differences (Monolithic vs Microservices) - Understand the differences in concepts between VM and Container - Identify tools in Alibaba Cloud that can be used to achieve DevOps such as ECI and ACK |
15% |
Securing and managing the Cloud
- Understand the different layers in security and the demarcation between Alibaba Cloud and the Cloud users - Identify different Security tools available to enhance and strengthen security of services running in Alibaba Cloud (Anti-DDoS, Cloud Firewall, WAF, Security center and more) - Understand the different security and privacy compliances and know where to get more information about them in Alibaba Cloud - Identify tools that can be used to monitor and audit cloud services such as Cloud Monitor, Action Trail, log services and more |
10% |
Migrating to Cloud |
- Identify some of the key considerations before moving to cloud - Understand the standard migration methodology and the different types of migration approach to cloud - Identify migration tools available in Alibaba Cloud to address different needs (Server, Database, Storage) |
5% |
Beyond IaaS |
- Understanding data lifecycle in data analytics - Identify different tools and products in Alibaba Cloud that could provide services beyond Infrastructure services |
5% |
Managing Multiple Accounts in Cloud |
- Understand the need of multi-account management - Identify the tools available in Alibaba Cloud to carry out multi-account management (RAM, Resource Group, Resource Directory) |
5% |
Billing and Support |
- Identify the different free trials and services available for use in Alibaba Cloud - Understand Saving plans available in Alibaba Cloud - Understand the different features available in Alibaba Cloud Billing Console - Identify the difference between the 4 different available support tiers |
10% |