VMware Tanzu Mission Control Specialist Certification Exam Syllabus

5V0-71.23 Dumps Questions, 5V0-71.23 PDF, Tanzu Mission Control Specialist Exam Questions PDF, VMware 5V0-71.23 Dumps Free, Tanzu Mission Control Specialist Official Cert Guide PDF, VMware Tanzu Mission Control Specialist Dumps, VMware Tanzu Mission Control Specialist PDFThe VMware 5V0-71.23 exam preparation guide is designed to provide candidates with necessary information about the Tanzu Mission Control Specialist exam. It includes exam summary, sample questions, practice test, objectives and ways to interpret the exam objectives to enable candidates to assess the types of questions-answers that may be asked during the VMware Certified Specialist - Tanzu Mission Control 2024 [v2] exam.

It is recommended for all the candidates to refer the 5V0-71.23 objectives and sample questions provided in this preparation guide. The VMware Tanzu Mission Control Specialist certification is mainly targeted to the candidates who want to build their career in Application Modernization domain and demonstrate their expertise. We suggest you to use practice exam listed in this cert guide to get used to with exam environment and identify the knowledge areas where you need more work prior to taking the actual VMware Tanzu Mission Control Specialist exam.

VMware 5V0-71.23 Exam Summary:

Exam Name
VMware Tanzu Mission Control Specialist
Exam Code 5V0-71.23
Exam Price $250 USD
Duration 105 minutes
Number of Questions 58
Passing Score 300 / 500
Schedule Exam PEARSON VUE
Sample Questions VMware 5V0-71.23 Sample Questions
Recommended Practice VMware Certified Specialist - Tanzu Mission Control 2024 [v2] Practice Test

VMware Tanzu Mission Control Specialist Syllabus:

Section Objectives
IT Architectures, Technologies, Standards
- Identify Kubernetes lifecycle management concepts
- Identify Kubernetes logical objects
- Identify Kubernetes cluster and application security concepts
- Identify Kubernetes platform and service administration concepts
- Identify the concept of Cluster API
VMware Solution
- Identify the interoperability between Tanzu Mission Control and Tanzu Service Mesh
- Identify the interoperability between Tanzu Mission Control and Aria Operations for Applications
- Identify the use case of VMware Tanzu Mission Control
- Identify how to access to VMware Tanzu Mission Control
- Identify VMware Cloud services
- Given a scenario, identify how to use VMware Cloud Services Access Control
- Identify service roles in VMware Tanzu Mission Control
- Given a scenario, identify how to manage the lifecycle of Tanzu Kubernetes Clusters
- Identify the interoperability between Tanzu Mission Control and Tanzu Kubernetes Grid
- Identify the interoperability between Tanzu Mission Control and vSphere supervisors 
Plan and Design the VMware Solution
- Identify the architecture of VMware Tanzu Mission Control
- Identify the resource hierarchy of VMware Tanzu Mission Control
- Given a scenario, identify the steps for designing grouping objects in TMC
- Identify the connectivity requirements
- Identify the health statuses
- Identify a management cluster
- Identify provisioners
- Identify the purpose of a cloud provider account
- Identify the pre-requisites of Tanzu Mission Control
- Given a scenario, identify the steps to onboard Kubernetes cluster
Install, Configure, Administrate the VMware Solution
- Given a scenario, identify how to create and manage groups in VMware Cloud services
- Identify the policy model
- Identify the available policy types
- Given a scenario, identify how access policies grant users access to different resources
- Given a scenario, identify how image registry policies restrict from which image registries container images can be pulled
- Given a scenario, identify how network policies are applied to clusters
- Given a scenario, identify how security policies control deployment of pods in a cluster
- Given a scenario, identify how quota policies manage resource consumption in your clusters
- Given a scenario, identify how custom policies implement specialized policies that govern your Kubernetes clusters
- Identify how Policy Insights reports Tanzu Mission Control policy issues
- Given a scenario, identify the steps to provision a cluster on Tanzu Kubernetes Grid
- Given a scenario, identify how clusters are scaled and upgraded
- Identify the purpose of cluster inspections
- Identify VMware Tanzu Mission Control Data Protection
- Identify the VMware Tanzu Mission Control catalog
- Identify the installation and management of packages
- Given a scenario, identify how to install TMC CLI
- Given a scenario, identify how to authenticate with TMC CLI
- Given a scenario, identify how to manage clusters with TMC CLI
- Given a scenario, identify how to create grouping objects with TMC CLI (work spaces, cluster groups)
- Given a scenario, identify how to install catalog packages within TMC CLI
- Given a scenario, identify how to manage backups with TMC CLI (data protection)
- Given a scenario, identify the steps for attaching a Kubernetes cluster to VMware Tanzu Mission Control
- Given a scenario, identify the steps for creating Tanzu Kubernetes Grid clusters in VMware Tanzu Mission Control
- Given a scenario, identify the steps for registering a Management Cluster to VMware Tanzu Mission Control
- Given a scenario, identify how mutation policies are used
Troubleshoot and Optimize the VMware Solution
- Given a scenario, identify the backup and restore issues
- Given a scenario, identify how to troubleshoot access issues
- Given a scenario, identify how to troubleshoot upgrade issues
- Given a scenario, identify how to troubleshoot policy issues
- Given a scenario, identify how to troubleshoot provisioning issues
- Identify how to obtain audit logs
- Given a scenario, identify how to monitor and troubleshoot cluster and components health issues
- Given a scenario, identify how to fix cluster inspection issues


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